What is Captcha Code ( Uses, Benefits and Types of Captcha in 2023 )

November 06, 2023

I will tell you what Captcha is. When most people register on a website or app on the internet, or submit an online form, a code in alphabets or numbers appears, this is called Captcha code. It identifies the user, that the user who has completed the registration is Human not a Bot, and most websites ask you to enter the captcha code while registering, that is a photo of a code is shown which you have to write in the Same Box.


Captcha is easy to fill and anyone can see it and write it, and many sites also add it to their Registration Page, so that only Real Users can register on these sites. Captcha was created because sites cannot use spam programs to increase their search rankings, such as Automatically commenting on any site, sharing a lot of links etc.

In addition, companies like Yahoo, Microsoft, Gmail provide Free Mail Service. A program called Bots caused a lot of damage to one of these sites a few years ago. Using bots, 1000 accounts can be signed in at once. Captcha was created to avoid bots.

What is the Meaning Of Captcha Code

Captcha code is used to identify the difference between humans and bots, so that only Real Users can register on any site. No one can do Multiple Registrations on a site through Bots or any Script.

The full form of Captcha is “Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart”. It was first created in 2000, and was first used on Yahoo.

The biggest reason for Captcha Code becoming popular is that it is Easy to Understand. Any user can easily understand this type of code and complete the registration process by solving it. Captcha is used everywhere on Online Sites, ECommerce Websites, Email etc. When you accidentally enter a captcha wrong, a new code is shown to you. That is, you are shown a captcha only once and it changes the next time. So it is very secure and websites and apps can also make it secure.

Uses / Benefits of Captcha Code –

1. Using captcha code on the registration page of any website or app, the Registration Page can be made secure. This prevents multiple sign ups by Bots, and Real Users can Sign Up.

2. E-Commerces Websites also now use Captcha. When you order something from a shopping site, you have to enter the captcha code after ordering to confirm the order.

3. This method can be used to prevent Spam Comments on a site.

4. Many apps and sites also use Captcha on the login page.

5. It is used on all sites, because only Humans can solve it, not computers.

How to Solve Captcha

When you go to any Online Registration Site like Bank Site, Shopping Site, you have to register and while Signing Up an image appears which has some words, this is the Captcha Image. It is used on many sites. This is a program image that only Humans can read, not computers. Sites also use it for Security.

It is very easy to solve. The same Number or Alphabet in the Image, you have to write in the captcha box. Meaning you have to type that same number or alphabet from the keyboard. For example you can see this picture.

Types of Captcha Code –

Captcha codes come in many types like Photo, Text, Audio etc.

Photo / Image Captcha

You must have seen many photo captchas, in which a photo is shown to you and you will be asked to select the related second photo. Such captchas are mostly seen on the internet now.

Text / Word Captcha

This is a very simple captcha, in which some text is written which you have to write in the box. This text can have Alphabets or Numbers, Capital or Small Alphabets, which you have to write correctly. Sometimes this Text Captcha is also written in different styles which need to be looked at carefully.

Number Captcha

These captchas are seen on online sites where you fill any form. A number is shown and you have to enter that number. The Number code keeps changing, and a new code is shown to you every time.

Mathematics Question Captcha

In this type of captcha, you are asked a simple math plus and minus question, and after answering it, it gets solved. The Math Questions asked are also very easy, and you can answer them in a few seconds. You see such captcha codes on many Exam Sites.

Conclusion –

This article has provided complete information about What is Captcha Code and how to Solve it, and also explained how to solve it. You can share this post on social media sites.

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